Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Stockpile Session: Winter's Last Hoorah

If you weren’t here this past Saturday, you dropped the ball. We had a great time shredding, getting sunburns, barbequing, chugging Red Bull and raising over $1,000 for the VSMO. Thanks again for coming out and spending one last day with us.

Check out the videos below and let the countdown to winter begin. (Unless you plan on joining us on Lake Hopatcong for a little wakeboarding… which you should, because it’s going to be awesome.)

Full photo album from the Stockpile Session can be found here.


(Psst. Don't forget to find us on YouTube & Vimeo. Ok, bye.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Awkward Stockpile Climbing

A few of us went up to see the remains of our 22' beast of a quarter pipe. Good news - it's still there and we're pushing all of it out for this Saturday's Stockpile Session.

I thought it would've been a good idea to climb it so you could gauge its size. Stupidly, I didn't think of how difficult (and scary) it would be to get down. Get ready for some awkward climbing.

FYI - Details on the setup will be posted later this week.
