Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Night Video Post

It's 10pm on a Saturday, and we're all logged in.  If you're reading this right now, you're missing the foam party at Kink, so discontinue this particular internet endeavor and head over there.  It has foam and members of the opposite gender.  If that isn't the makings of a good time, the answer to what is certainly will not be found here.  It's also almost mid February.  This is the time when one chooses to either begin taking days off from the hill, making good on promises to friends and loved ones that they'll be around this winter, or shows complete disregard to a standard social life and continues slashing.  Valentines Day's are forgotten, girlfriends and boyfriends are pissed, employers begin questioning an employees' commitment, rent checks go unwritten, etc. etc.  The following edit dropped on our good friend's East Snowboard Mag's Site, and it's a good one.
Bistro is putting it down both on the board and blog.  Consistent and informed updates, a hectic travel schedule, and more street cred than you can shake a stick at.  Plus he knows the ol' back 270 to fakie, a trick that confuses the lift line peanut gallery so much that they often chose to neglect it's existence.